Salon Text & Sound Petra Piuk, Thomas Jarmer
guest at Fritz Ostermayer, Martin Sailer and Martin Fritz
Text and music, a perfect combination, but this time with a difference: Salon Text & Ton is inviting an author and a musician or composer to talk about the influence of each other’s art forms on their respective work. The moderator duo Fritz Ostermayer and Martin Sailer will coax out of the artists their personal passions in music and literature. After the interview and a short reading, there will be a mini-concert given by the musician and the in-house band the Gang.
The first session will bring together the writer Petra Piuk (novels include Lucy fliegt and Toni und Moni) and Thomas Jarmer of the Garish band. They will be talking about what music is needed to write Instructions for a Sentimental Regional Novel (the subtitle of Toni und Moni) and what books the singer of a band reads in order to write his music and lyrics.
Guests: Petra Piuk and Thomas Jarmer
Host: Fritz Ostermayer with Martin Sailer and Martin Fritz
House band: The Gang with Simon Kräutler, Alexander Goidinger, Stefan Wolf and Jörg Höllwarth
Idea & concept: Robert Renk